Technical Articles

What is ISO 24245:2017 ?

Title: Understanding ISO 24245:2017 and EN ISO 21247:2017

ISO 24245:2017 and EN ISO 21247:2017 are two important international standards that are relevant to the development, implementation, and maintenance of safety-relevant components and systems in vehicles. In this article, we will discuss the purpose and key requirements of each standard, and how they can contribute to improving the safety of road vehicle systems.

ISO 24245:2017: The International Standard for Functional Safety of Electrical and Electronic Systems in Road Vehicles

ISO 24245:2017 is an international standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This standard provides guidelines for the functional safety of electrical and electronic systems in road vehicles. It ensures that potential hazards caused by system failures or malfunctions are considered and mitigated during the design, development, and production of automotive systems.

The purpose of ISO 24245:2017 is to improve the safety of road vehicle systems by setting requirements and providing guidelines for their development. It focuses on a systematic approach to identifying risks and implementing safety measures to reduce these risks to an acceptable level. This standard helps automotive manufacturers and suppliers ensure that their products meet the necessary safety requirements and comply with legal regulations.

Key Requirements of ISO 24245:2017:

ISO 24245:2017 provides several key requirements that manufacturers and suppliers must follow to ensure that their products meet the necessary safety requirements. These requirements include:

Systematic safety assessment: The standard requires manufacturers to conduct a systematic safety assessment to identify potential hazards and risks associated with their electrical and electronic systems.

Safety-relevant components and systems: The standard ensures that manufacturers design and develop safety-relevant components and systems that are in accordance with the requirements of ISO 24245:2017.

Safety validation: The standard requires manufacturers to validate their safety-relevant components and systems to ensure that they meet the necessary safety requirements.

Safety monitoring: The standard calls for manufacturers to monitor their safety-relevant components and systems throughout their lifecycle to ensure that they continue to meet the necessary safety requirements.

EN ISO 21247:2017: The European Standard for Writing Technical Descriptions and Definitions

EN ISO 21247:2017 is a European standard published by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This standard provides guidelines for writing technical descriptions and definitions, making it easier for readers to understand complex concepts and terms.

The purpose of EN ISO 21247:2017 is to ensure a consistent and clear communication of technical information among professionals in various industries. It establishes a set of rules that writers should follow when creating technical documents, making it easier for readers to understand complex concepts and terms.

Key Features of EN ISO 21247:2017:

Clarity and simplicity: EN ISO 21247:2017 emphasizes the importance of clarity and simplicity in technical documentation. It recommends using clear and concise language, avoiding unnecessary technical jargon or complexity.

Consistency: The standard requires writers to ensure consistency in the use of terminology throughout their technical documents.

Accuracy: EN ISO 21247:2017 encourages writers to ensure the accuracy of the technical information they present, and to clearly indicate any limitations or uncertainties.


ISO 24245:2017 and EN ISO 21247:2017 are important international standards that provide guidelines for the development, implementation, and maintenance of safety-relevant components and systems in vehicles. By following the requirements of these standards, manufacturers and suppliers can ensure that their products meet the necessary safety requirements and contribute to improving the safety of road vehicle systems.



Contact: Eason Wang

Phone: +86-755-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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